Monday, November 16, 2015

Netflix Nugget - Week of November 16th

Director:  Evgeny Afineevsky
Stars: Bishop Agapit, Serhill Averchenko, Kristina Berdinskikh Page

Chronicling events that unfolded over 93 days in 2013 and 2014, this documentary witnesses the formation of a new civil rights movement in Ukraine. What started as peaceful student demonstrations supporting European integration morphed into a full-fledged violent revolution calling for the resignation of the nation's president. The film captures the remarkable mobilization of nearly a million citizens from across the country protesting the corrupt political regime that utilized extreme force against its own people to suppress their demands and freedom of expression. 

*Warning: Graphic Images*


  1. I watched this last night. It's amazing yet sad to see how oblivious our media is to other issues that don't directly affect americans on a daily basis in the news. This documentary is definitely eye opening.

  2. Marissa Dee CincoskiNovember 16, 2015 at 8:26 PM

    This movie was incredible. I was honestly so angry and upset during certain parts of it because I had no idea that Ukraine was having these sorts of problems, or at least not to that magnitude. I would definitely recommend this nugget!
